Categories: Newsletter Issue 2019:1

Note from the Executive Director

Anthony Lo Sasso
Anthony LoSasso

The planning for the 8th Annual ASHEcon Meeting in Washington DC, June 23-26, 2019 is entering the home stretch! You have by now received notification about the status of your submitted abstracts. It was once again a highly competitive year, with an impressive number of abstracts, particularly given that it was our first year being annual.

Registration is now open!  Information about the conference, travel, hotel accommodations, and much more is available at the conference website.

The 8th Annual ASHEcon conference still has a few terrific sponsorship opportunities available. A conference attended by over 1,000 health economists is a powerful venue to advertise, connect with the health economics community, and otherwise spread your message! Please don’t hesitate to contact me at to discuss the possibilities!

We’re also very excited to announce our 2019 ASHEcon Diversity Scholarship Program! Please find the details

We’ll also be offering mentoring sessions for PhD students and early career professionals once again. Encourage your students and junior colleagues to sign up.

There is still time to nominate your colleagues for an ASHEcon Award! We are seeking nominations for the Victor Fuchs Lifetime Achievement Award, the ASHEcon Medal recognizing the contribution of a health economist under 40, The Student Paper award, and the Will Manning Memorial Award for the Best Research in Health Econometrics. You only have until March 15!

Don’t forget to sign-up for our webinar The Future of Drug Pricing and Its Impact on Healthcare Policy. We’ll be co-hosting with the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM)

Also remember that students qualify for discounted membership and registration fees if they attend an institution that is a current University member. We invite you to consider the benefits of an institutional membership. In addition to the University membership, we offer an Organization membership for non-academic institutions. Organization members enjoy free space at our conference, half off advertising, and other benefits. If your institution has not yet joined ASHEcon, we urge you to join or to lobby your director or department head to do so! Please click on the membership tab of our website to learn more.