Welcome to the latest issue of our newsletter! We are very busy at ASHEcon preparing for the upcoming ASHEcon meeting June 23-26, 2019 in Washington DC at the Marriott Wardman Park. Now is a great time to get your abstracts and sessions submitted! Be sure to look into our new session types, the Policy Roundtables and the Spotlight Sessions. We can’t wait to see your ideas for these new features! The deadline is November 26, 2018. Don’t wait until the last minute like everyone else.
If you or your institution is looking for a way to get involved with the meeting, we have many sponsorship and advertising opportunities! This is a great way to get your name out there and support a great organization at the same time! Click here for details: https://www.ashecon.org/conferences/2019-washington-dc/sponsorship-opportunties/
We are also looking for scientific reviewers. The flood of abstracts need to be reviewed. ASHEcon thanks you in advance for your assistance with this important work!
We are also excited about the ASHEcon activities at the upcoming Allied Social Science Association meetings in Atlanta, January 3-6, 2019. For those of you planning on attending the ASSA meetings, we will be hosting our annual ASHEcon Luncheon Friday January 4, 2019 at 12:30pm. Our very special speaker will be University of Chicago Harris School Dean Kate Baicker. She will be discussing “The Role of Economists in Driving Evidence-Based Health Policy.” You will be receiving an official registration email very shortly!
In addition to the luncheon, ASHEcon and iHEA are co-sponsoring the annual cocktail reception for Members and Friends. This event will be held Friday January 4, 6:00pm at the Atlanta Hilton in room 301-302. Please stop by to say hello!
As always there are a huge number of health economics sessions at the meeting, but arguably the best one is ASHEcon’s session: “Market Power and Firm Strategies in Health Insurance,” on Friday January 4, 2019, 10:15AM-12:15PM in the Atlanta Hilton Room 304. The perfect lead-in to our luncheon right next door!
As always, we welcome your input and comments on our newsletter—or anything else. If you have ideas for content, please drop us an email!
Thanks for your continued support of ASHEcon!
Tony LoSasso
Executive Director
American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon)
1100 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20005