We are delighted to announce that the call for abstracts for the 8th Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon) to be held at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC from June 23-26, 2019 is now open! The members of the Planning Committee have been working hard to ensure another terrific conference. Organized sessions and individual abstracts will be accepted for consideration by the Scientific Committee now through December 3, 2018. As in the past, if an organized session is rejected, the papers included in that session will be considered as individual abstract submissions; abstracts rejected for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation if requested by the author.
New this year, ASHEcon is also seeking submissions for Policy Roundtables and Spotlight Sessions.
Roundtables are not abstract dependent, but rather feature speakers who will discuss a topic from varying perspectives and draw the audience into a discussion on the topic. Roundtable proposals should include no more than 1 moderator and at least 2 presenters. Examples of potential titles include: How to Advance Evidence-Based Healthcare Policy at the Local Level, Promoting Health Equity through Policy, and Regulation and Competition in the Healthcare Sector: What Have We Learned?
Spotlight Sessions are 90-minute sessions that will focus on special interest or career enhancement topics. The sessions are not abstract dependent. Examples of potential titles include: Introduction to Grant Writing, Talking to Policymakers, Prepping for the Job Market Season, Translating Research into Policy, and Women and Minorities in Health Economics. Sessions may be delivered by no more than 1 moderator and any number of presenters.
Decisions on acceptance of papers will be announced in early February 2019.
I remind you that, as in the past, you need to be a current member of ASHEcon to avoid paying the $100 submission fee when you submit your abstract. The 1-year membership rate is $95 (or save $10 and get a two-year membership for $180), which now comes with a print and electronic subscription to our journal, the American Journal of Health Economics. In an effort to help federal government employees to participate in the conference, we are offering the opportunity for federal employees to submit as many abstracts to the conference as they would like, as well as join ASHEcon, for the low price of $100.
Membership also entitles you to a significantly reduced conference registration rate. Please check your membership status here and renew if necessary.
There is no fee to submit a Policy Roundtable or Spotlight Session.
Conference Theme: The Crossroads of Public Policy and Health Economics, Washington, DC; June 23-26, 2019
The theme of this year’s conference is The Crossroads of Public Policy and Health Economics and aims to provide a forum for emerging ideas and empirical results of health economics research to be showcased and discussed.
Proposal Submissions
We hope that applicants will submit abstracts that are relevant to the field of health economics and demonstrate rigorous theoretical and empirical research methodologies. We are currently soliciting individual abstracts, organized sessions, policy roundtables and spotlight session submissions until December 3rd, 2018.
More information about the 2019 ASHEcon Conference, including the submission process can be found here.
Submit 2019 Conference Proposals Here!
Types of Submissions
The 2019 ASHEcon Conference will accept the following submission types:
Organized Session – Organized sessions must have exactly three papers with one presenting author and one discussant, plus any co-authors, for each paper. Please note that abstracts within organized sessions may be rejected, accepted as a poster, or transferred to another session.
Individual Abstracts – A submission based on a single abstract. The papers will be scored on their own merit then grouped with similar papers to be presented in an organized session at the conference. Individual abstracts not selected for inclusion in a session will be considered for the poster session.
Policy Roundtables
Roundtable submissions should include no more than 1 moderator and at least 2 presenters. Submitters will be asked to categorize their roundtable into 1 of the 15 Program Areas. Submissions for policy roundtables must be 500 words or less. Submitters will be asked to explain their proposed roundtable and provide details about what they anticipate attendees will take away from the session. Roundtables are not abstract dependent.
Spotlight Sessions – Spotlight Sessions are 90-minute sessions that will focus on special interest or career enhancement topics. Examples of potential titles include: Introduction to Grant Writing, Talking to Policymakers, Prepping for the Job Market Season, Translating Research into Policy, and Women and Minorities in Health Economics. Sessions may be delivered by no more than 1 moderator and any number of presenters.
Thanks for your support of ASHEcon! If you have any questions during the submission period, please reach out to Leslie Ofori, info@ashecon.org.