Categories: Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor Spotlight: Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, Univ. of Pennsylvania (Penn LDI)

About Us

Are any sessions or papers being presented by your team?

Yes! Please see a schedule of all of our presenters via this digital PDF.

What are some of your latest research projects?

Explore our latest research on the Penn LDI blogand our emagazine. To receive our latest news, research, events, and more, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Do you have any students on the market that you want to highlight?

Yes, LDI Associate Fellows and Wharton School PhD candidates, Benjamin Chartock and Jong Lim, MPA.

Any programs or initiatives you want to highlight?

Are you currently hiring or have any fellowships, post-doc positions etc. that you want to highlight?

Visit our website to learn about our Health Services Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Is there something unique or interesting about your company that most ASHEcon members not know about that you would like them to share?

Any videos you want to share?