Tony LoSasso
This is an especially exciting time for ASHEcon as our call for abstracts just closed — incredibly, we cracked the 1000 abstract submission mark! Next, all abstracts will be reviewed by our all-volunteer scientific review committee. From there, for the first time, sessions will be put together by program chairs for each category, under the supervision of the overall scientific chair and president-elect, Jonathan Gruber. We have a truly august group of program chairs:
- Hospital Reimbursement and Behavior
- Leemore Dafny, Northwestern University
- Physician/Nurse Reimbursement, Training and Behavior
- Joe Doyle, MIT
- Prescription Drugs
- Dana Goldman, USC
- Competition in Medical and Health Insurance Markets
- Bob Town, University of Pennsylvania
- Maternal and Child Health
- Janet Currie, Columbia University
- Costs and Benefits of Specific Medical Treatments
- David Meltzer, University of Chicago
- Consumer Decision Making in Health Care
- Amitabh Chandra, Harvard University
- Demand for and Effect of Health Insurance
- Robin McKnight, Wellesley College
- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illegal Substances
- Rosalie Pacula, RAND Corporation
- Obesity
- John Cawley, Cornell University
- Long Term Care, Aging & Demography
- David Grabowski, Harvard University
- Health, Labor Markets, and the Economy
- Tom Buchmueller, University of Michigan
- Mental Health
- Tom McGuire, Harvard University
- Theory or Econometric Advances
- Anirban Basu, University of Washington
- Health Systems, Health Reform and Health Care Financing
- Kosali Simon, Indiana University
We have a lot planned for the 6th Biennial meeting in Philly next June! Stay tuned for more updates.
A few other announcements:
- Our journal, the American Journal of Health Economics, is off to smashingly successful first year in print. But we are still dependent on institutional library subscriptions. Please get in touch with your university librarian and tell them they must subscribe to this important new journal!
- We want your nominations for the ASHEcon awards: The Victor R. Fuchs Award for Lifetime Contributions to the Field of Health Economics; the ASHEcon Medal for significant contributions to the field of health economics by an economist under 40; the Student Paper Award; and the new Willard G. Manning Memorial Award for the Best Research in Health Econometrics. The deadline for all award nominations is 5pm Central Time, March 1, 2016. More details about the awards and eligibility can be found at
- Also, remember that students qualify for discounted membership and registration fees if they attend an institution that is a current University member ($600 per year). We invite you to consider the benefits of an institutional membership. In addition to the University membership, we offer an Organization membership for non-academic institutions. For $1200 per year, Organization members enjoy free space at our biennial meeting, half off advertising, and other benefits. For our most dedicated supporters, we offer a Sustaining membership. For $3000 per year in addition to the benefits of a University and an Organization membership, Sustaining members receive access to our membership directory, free advertising, and free booth space at our biennial meeting, among many other benefits. If your institution has not yet joined ASHEcon, we urge you to join or to lobby your director or department head to do so! Please click on the membership tab of our website to learn more (see