Categories: Newsletter Issue 2019:3

A Note from the Executive Director

A grand hello from me to you. It is a true honor to be the new Executive Director of ASHEcon.  I look forward to meeting and working with you in the coming months and years in many different capacities.

Since Tony LoSasso, our terrific Executive Director for the last seven years passed the baton to me, Marty Gaynor, President-elect, and I have been hard at work planning for our next meeting in St. Louis on June 7-10, 2020.  Our hotel, the St. Louis Union Station Hotel is close to downtown and near the wonderful St. Louis sites like the Arch and Busch Stadium, home of the Cardinals. St. Louis is home to many fantastic people who are interested and work in health economics, as well as many outstanding universities, health institutions, and health plans including Centene and Express Scripts.

So, get ready for a fantastic June 2020 meeting! The call for abstracts will open in September 2019 and we will be looking for abstract reviewers shortly thereafter in November.

After many years in leadership at academic institutions, I’m excited to be coming back to health economics, the field that I have loved for my entire professional life. I look forward to all we can do together. Never hesitate to be in touch with me should you have ideas to share that will strengthen an already remarkable ASHEcon.

