
Categories: Newsletter, Newsletter Issue 2018:2

News from our Executive Director

Anthony Lo Sasso

Dear Friends,

We are literally days away from ASHEcon 2018 at Emory! It’s been a wonderfully huge undertaking on our end, but we’re ready. What about you? Did you send your paper to your discussant yet? How is your presentation coming? The ASHEcon 2018 conference app is now live in the Google Play Store or iTunes Store. Check it out! We can’t wait to see everyone down in Atlanta!

This issue of our newsletter we are delighted to introduce our new editor, David Slusky of the University of Kansas. David previously served as a co-editor of the newsletter. We’re looking forward to several of his new series for the newsletter, include one that starts with this issue on new perspectives on different career options for health economists. You can read today about opportunities in city government and at think tanks. More to come in future issues!

We also want to send our heartfelt thanks to Chuck Courtemanche for his outstanding service as editor of the newsletter since 2015. Finally, the newsletter is an all-volunteer effort—and we’re always looking for volunteers! If you have an idea for a newsletter piece or would like to get involved, please send us an email (tony@ashecon.org).

Thanks for your continued support of ASHEcon!

Tony LoSasso
Executive Director
American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon)
1100 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20005