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Categories: 2016 Philadelphia, Conference, News

2016 conference exhibiting & advertising opportunities

2016 Exhibiting Opportunities for individuals and organizations include:

Type Non-Member Organizational
Insert in Registration
$800 $400
¼ Page Ad: $400 $200
½ Page Ad: $600 $300
Full Page Ad: $1,000 $500


Exhibit Rates

Type Non-Member Organizational
Shared Table: N/A Complimentary
Table: $650 $300
Booth: $1250 $600

* Some levels of sponsorship come with complimentary ad space and exhibitor space.

Exhibitors will be provided the following space to set up at the conference:

    • Table Presentation: 6 feet by 8 feet space
    • Booth Presentation: 10 feet by 12 feet space

If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please contact

Charmaine Wright
Associate Director, ASHEcon

This information is also available on the conference web site.