“Equity and Efficiency in Health and Healthcare”
2ndBiennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists
Duke University | Durham, North Carolina | June 22-25, 2008
Presentation Requirements
Presentation length: Irrespective of the number of abstracts, sessions are 1 hour and 30 minutes in total INCLUDING presentations, discussants, questions, preparation and wrap-up.
Guidelines for Presentation Times
Total time per session: 90 minutes
Set-up/prep time: 5 minutes
Presentation time per abstract (3 abstracts): 15 minutes
Discussant time per abstract (3 abstracts): 7 minutes
Audience discussion time per abstract (3 abstracts): 5 minutes
Wrap-up: 4 minutes
All details on the structure of your session should be available from your session organizer or chair.
Audio-visual Specifications
All session rooms come equipped with a data and overhead projectors. Due to time and resource limitations, presentations must be provided to our staff ahead of time so that it can be loaded into the appropriate room’s dedicated computer. Powerpoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader will be available on each dedicated computer. We ask that you ensure that your presentation is ready before loading since we will have a limited ability to deal with changes during the conference.
Details on loading your presentation will be posted when available.
Specifications: Due to space limitations each poster is limited to a maximum dimension of 3 feet by 3 feet.
On each day posters may be put up as early as 8 AM and must be removed by 6 PM. Presenter’s attendance at their posters is recommended during the posted break and lunch times, in addition to the specific 2:30 PM poster viewing time slot.
Host Institutions