Categories: ASHEcon

Poster Presentation Guidelines


Important Dates for Presenters

  • May 23rd – Final or updated papers due to session chair & discussant
  • May 25th –  Hotel reservation deadline
  • June 10-13th – 7th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists



Poster Setup

All poster presenters will have 30 minutes before the poster reception to put up their poster and 30 minutes after their assigned session to remove their poster.

All poster boards will be numbered, indicating assigned poster spaces for the session. You will receive a specific poster assignment location. Only put your poster up in your assigned space. A staff person will be on hand to help you find your space in the exhibit hall.

Thumbtacks/push pins and Velcro will be provided for putting up your poster. Please do not use tape, staples or any other type of adhesive to hang your poster.

Presenters are asked to be available at their posters during the entirety of their poster session to discuss their posters with interested viewers.


Poster boards measure 4 feet high and 6 feet wide from edge to edge. We recommend that your poster be slightly smaller than the board at maximum: 3×5.5 feet for example. We also recommend your display be printed on paper or lightweight poster board, so it can be attached to the board with thumbtacks push pins or Velcro.

Posters should be prepared as a single poster rather than multiple posters pieced together. When putting up your poster, please do not cover the board numbers. This helps other poster presenters, as well as viewers, quickly identify space assignments.

Posters printed on foam core will be much harder to hang up, please consider this when choosing the materials and format for your poster.

Tables, easels, or other support devices will not be provided and may not be supplied by presenters. Business cards or small leaflet literature for distribution may be inserted in an envelope and affixed to the board.


Design your poster to highlight the major points of your research and stimulate feedback. The following format is suggested: research question; study design/identification strategy; data; results. Present enough information but avoid overcrowding. We do not recommend using PowerPoint slide print-outs.


Consider various options for presenting the salient points of your research. Use graphs to clarify and emphasize the key relationships between figures. Be sure graphs are precise, clearly labeled, placed near the companion text, and large enough for people to read easily. Select the type of chart that best illustrates your point. If using tables, make sure columns are not too narrow, too numerous or too long – so they can be easily read. Use tables only when simpler visuals like graphs or charts won’t suffice.


Design the flow of information from left to right. Use lines, frames, contrasting colors, or arrows to call attention to important points.


Select a simple font and use it consistently. Use both upper and lower-case letters, especially in the body of your presentation. Make lettering large enough to read from at least three feet.


Use color to attract interest and to dramatize similarities and differences. Emphasis may be lost if more than four colors are used. The background color of the poster boards is light gray or beige.


Carrying: If you are having your poster made professionally, we suggest rolling and carrying it in a protective tube. Alternatively, construct your poster in small panels so it will be easy to carry. Portfolio cases are available from art supply stores.  Please note that ASHEcon will not print your poster for you.  All poster presenters must print their poster on their own.