
Categories: Announcements, News

Call for Abstracts Eighth Annual Midwest Health Economics Conference

The University of Minnesota is pleased to host the Eighth Annual Midwest Health Economics Conference (MHEC), to be held May 19-20 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference is sponsored by the Division of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health.

This annual invitational conference promotes active exchange and discussion of the latest health economics research among senior and junior economists. The conference will consist of a full day of presentations on Friday, May 19th and a half day of presentations on Saturday, May 20th. As in the past years, meals will be provided but all other expenses, including transportation and lodging, are the participants’ responsibility. A block of rooms will be reserved at the Commons Hotel, which is on campus.

We invite scholars engaged in relevant research to submit their work for inclusion in the conference. Approximately 10 papers will be selected for presentation. Submissions are invited from any location, although slight preference will be given to presenters with a connection to the Midwest.
If you would like to participate, please submit an abstract (500 words or less) or a draft of a paper by e-mail to mhec2017@umn.edu by February 10, 2017. In your email submission, please also include your name, title, organizational affiliation, email address, and phone number. Please also include the names and organizational affiliations of any co-authors.

Decisions will be made by March 3, 2017. Completed papers must be available to send to discussants by May 1, 2017.

Starting in early 2017, further details about the conference and information on registering for the conference will be available at: www.sph.umn.edu/event/midwest-health-economics-conference/