The Geneva Association is pleased to announce a special October 2016 issue of The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance &emdash; Issues and Practice on Health.
We encourage you to submit contributions related to the following areas:
- The impact of integrating an ageing population in health insurance systems
- New health technology and insurance
- Development of health care systems and the capitalisation debate
- The interaction of public and private systems in health care provision
- Insuring and managing long-term care risks
- Health issues for an ageing population in the workplace
- Risk classification in health insurance
- Climate risks and its impact on health and insurance
Suggestions for other topics will be considered by the editors.
All contributions will go through a refereeing process. The editors for this special issue are Christophe Courbage (The Geneva Association) and John Nyman (University of Minnesota). Papers should be submitted electronically via the website of The Geneva Papers ( by 9 December 2015 at the latest.
For further information on The Geneva Papers, visit
For further information on this special issue, please contact Frederick Schlagenhaft at