Dear Members and Friends of ASHEcon:
Frank Sloan, the current Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Health Economics (AJHE), the official journal of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), will end his term as Editor-in-Chief in Spring/Summer 2018. ASHEcon is seeking to identify candidates to succeed Frank as the Editor-in-Chief (EIC), and therefore is soliciting Letters of Interest (LOIs) from individuals or teams interested in assuming this role.
ASHEcon seeks a new AJHE EIC who has a strong interest in continuing to raise the stature and quality of the journal. Candidates for EIC should be widely recognized economists with a particular emphasis on health economics. We expect that strong candidates will have some experience with the operation and editing of academic journals, will be able to articulate a strong vision for growth of AJHE, and will be able to demonstrate sufficient time and institutional support to assume this role.
The selection process will proceed in two steps. This first step invites one- to two-page Letters of Interest from any interested parties. The second step will invite Full Proposals from a subset of submitted LOIs. ASHEcon’s hope is to attract a large number of diverse proposals at the LOI stage and invite no more than three to five Full Proposals at the second stage.
We request that LOIs include the following information:
- Editorial priorities. AJHE prides itself on being a general interest health economics journal recognized as a high quality field journal by economists. How does the applicant propose to continue and strengthen this mission? Will there be shifts in editorial philosophy or direction? What does the applicant see as the strengths and weaknesses of the current AJHE?
- Editorial structure. The current structure involves a single Editor-in-Chief and a large Editorial Board but no Co-Editors or Associate Editors. LOIs are free to retain this structure or propose alternative structures.
- Proposed initial term and longer term plan. The LOI should state the preferred length of commitment for the initial term (between 3-5 years). The ASHEcon Board has every intention of renewing the Editorship if mutually agreeable to both parties.
- Logistical details. The LOI should briefly discuss anticipated needs for space, administrative support, or other resources, and should provide an indication of the expected sources of these resources including likely commitments from the institution/university.
- Other innovations. The Board is open to considering a range of innovations to the journal, such as novel dissemination strategies (e.g., using social media) or alternative/new sections for the journal. LOIs should feel free, but should not feel requi red, to propose such innovations.
LOIs are due to Tony LoSasso ( no later than March 30, 2017 In addition to the above, LOIs should also include a CV of the proposed Editor-in-Chief. Specific details about requirements for Full Proposals will be given to the LOIs selected to move to the second round. The full timeline is below.
- February 28, 2017: Informational webinar, 1PM ET (please email to reserve a spot)
- March 30, 2017: Letters of Interest due
- April 14, 2017: Notifications sent regarding Full Proposals
- June 30, 2017: Full Proposals Due
- July 3-7, 2017: Selection committee reviews full proposals and makes recommendation to ASHEcon Board
- Mid-July, 2017: ASHEcon Board will meet to formally select a proposal
- Fall 2017: Editorial transition process begins
- Spring/Summer 2018: Editorial transition process complete