We at ASHEcon are very excited about the upcoming Allied Social Science Association meetings here in Chicago (home of the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs!). For those of you planning on attending the meetings, please join us at our ASHEcon Luncheon on Friday January 6, 2017 at 12:30pm in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Crystal C room. Our very special speaker will be MIT Professor Amy Finkelstein. She will be discussing “The Impact of Expanding Medicaid: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment”.
You can register (and pay the modest $35 copay) at ashecon.org/2016/11/ashecon/2017-luncheon-at-assa/.
The deadline to register is Friday December 30th.
In addition to the luncheon, ASHEcon and iHEA are co-sponsoring our annual cocktail reception for Members and Friends. This event will be held Friday January 6, 6:00pm at the Hyatt in the Plaza A room. Please stop by to say hello!
As always, we welcome your input and comments on our newsletter. If you have anything you would like say or ideas for content, we welcome input from our members!
Thanks for your continued support of ASHEcon!