Wow, summer’s over and the new semester has begun, but I’m still inspired from the wildly successful 6th Biennial ASHEcon Conference back in June! With over 1000 attendees and the best science on display, it was a conference to remember. Many thanks to our friends at Penn’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics for all of their hard work. And the input of our members has given us a lot to think about as we continue to plan to our future meetings, including the next one (mark your calendars): June 10-13, 2018 at Emory University, Atlanta, GA. I welcome any suggestions or volunteers for the planning effort! Just email me.
In other fantastic news, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Thomson Reuters has chosen to include the American Journal of Health Economics in its Social Science Citation Index. This means that AJHE will be receiving a Journal Impact Factor in short order. This is truly wonderful testimony to Frank Sloan’s editorial leadership at AJHE, the hard work of the Editorial Board, and, of course, your support and receptiveness to the journal itself. Keep those papers coming!
Finally, stayed tuned for an announcement about our activities at the American Economic Association meetings, January 6-8, 2017 in Chicago. We will be hosting both a luncheon and cocktail reception on January 6th. Details forthcoming!
Thanks for your continued support of ASHEcon!