Tenth Annual Midwest Health Economics Conference
Ann Arbor, MI
May 16-17, 2019
The University of Michigan will host the Tenth Annual Midwest Health Economics Conference (MHEC-X) May 16-17, 2019. Local sponsors are the Ross School of Business and the Department of Health Management and Policy.
This annual invitational conference assembles junior and senior economists to present, debate, and discuss cutting-edge health economics research. There will be a full day of presentations on Thursday, May 16, and a half-day of presentations on Friday, May 17. We welcome submissions from all scholars regardless of location, though in selecting the program we will (slightly) favor those connected to Midwest institutions.
Abstracts (or complete papers) can be submitted via the conference website. The deadline for submissions is February 22, 2019. We will select approximately 10 papers. We will email decisions by March 15, 2019. To facilitate discussion, we ask authors to send completed papers by May 6, 2019.
MHEC charges no registration fee. The University of Michigan will provide meals; participants must pay all other expenses, including transportation and lodging. We have reserved a block of rooms near the UM campus at the Graduate Ann Arbor, which is within walking distance to the Ross School of Business, where the conference will be held. The rate on those rooms is $199 per night.
If you have questions, please send an email to mhec2019@umich.edu.
We look forward to seeing you in Ann Arbor.
Local Organizing Committee: Tom Buchmueller, Zach Brown, Rich Hirth, Sarah Miller and Edward Norton.
MHEC Steering Committee: Roger Feldman (University of Minnesota), David Frisvold (University of Iowa), Robert Kaestner (UIC), Anthony LoSasso (UIC), Nolan Miller (University of Illinois), Anne Beeson Royalty (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis), Kosali Simon (Indiana University).