The CSWEP national mentoring (CeMENT) workshop is aimed at mentoring female faculty in tenure-track positions at PhD granting economics departments in the U.S. or at institutions with similar research expectations.
The workshop will consist of a two-day program, beginning directly after the 2015 ASSA meetings in Boston. The ASSA meetings end at 3 pm on Monday, January 5th. The workshop begins at 4pm that evening and ends at 1 pm on Wednesday, January 7th. The AEA will pay for participants’ lodging and food during the workshop, but attendees must arrange their own transportation.
As in the previous programs, participants will be arranged into small groups based on their research area and will interact with each other and with senior (tenured) faculty mentors. Group members and mentors discuss and offer feedback on the participants’ research.
In addition, the workshop includes a number of larger how-to sessions on topics such as: publishing, developing a tenure case, writing a grant, effective and efficient teaching, conferences and networking, and work/life balance.
- More information on the CeMENT experience
- List of previous mentors
- Past workshop participants have received binders of professional development materials relating to publishing, teaching, grants, and other relevant topics. CSWEP is now making these materials available
How to apply:
Applications will be accepted until September 15, 2014. There are two steps in the application process. First, complete the online application at the website below. The online application should take you about 15 minutes to complete.
National Online Application Form
Second, send an email to
The subject line of the message should read: Firstname Lastname CeMENT Application.
Attach the following two documents (in PDF format) to the email:
- A C.V., which includes the date you received your PhD, your research area(s), and your current position. Label the file: lastname_cv.pdf
- A one-page statement describing your research. This statement is used to create groups with similar research interests. It should be a brief 1-2 paragraph statement that describes your areas and topics of research and your methodological tool(s) (e.g. reduced-form empirical, structural, DSGE, time-series, theory, field surveys, experimental). Detailed descriptions of individual papers are not necessary. Label the file: lastname_research.pdf
Applications must be complete by September 15, 2014. You will be informed of your participation status by the end of October. Our expectation is that, as was the case in past years, the number of qualified applicants will exceed capacity of the workshop (which is approximately 40 junior participants per workshop). In this case, workshop participation is determined by random selection.
We are excited about the opportunity to continue CSWEP’s tradition of mentoring female junior faculty. We hope you will apply, and look forward to seeing you at one of our workshops.